How many of us have feared change? What holds us back from fully participating in certain aspects of our lives? And, what drives us forward into unknown, transformational territory?
Isn’t change part of the universe’s equation as everything evolves?
We all participate in the wondrous factors of change—as evidenced by our changing physical bodies. Whether we like it or not, we are in flux every day.
We experience physical change upon our conception as our cells divide and multiply. The systems for us to survive the elements of the physical world develop in miraculous, yet systematic ways.
Like most living things, we literally begin as a seed intended to change and create change. When we are birthed into this biosphere, we take our first breath. And, with that breath and with every breath after, we take in that which is around us. And, with every breath, we exhale that which is within us.
This physical automatic and voluntary survival impulse and exchange can be a model or a metaphor for our whole existence. What our energy bodies take in and what our energy bodies “do” and “be” are parts of the universe’s evolutionary pulse.
We may not always be conscious of what we take in and integrate or exactly what we exhale out or contribute. Our lives proceed in this manner of exchange within the various dimensions of our existence on earth—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Most of us make choices in our lives as to what to eat, how to treat people, where to go to school, and so on. What happens if we take to heart that we are always changing and contributing? How do we incorporate positive, empowering, conscious choices and change within ourselves, which in turn will be expressed and incorporated into the universe? Perhaps one intention at a time is all it takes in our process of change.
Great post, Lori! So glad to see you writing again! This message actually came at such a great time for me. Thank you!
Thank you, Nicole, for your comment! I’m hoping to blog more often. Wishing you the best!