Big Picture Purpose®

Big Picture Purpose®

Achieve An Inspiring Life!

What’s Up




Transform and function from a clearer space.

Move joyously and confidently into a more authentically connected, inspired, and purposeful life.

For over 30 years, I have provided my services internationally.

I am a clear channel with gifted healing, claircognizant (knowing), clairempath (empathy), clairvoyant (vision), clairaudient (hearing), clairsentient (feeling), clairsalient (smelling), clairgustiant (tasting), and clairtangent (touching) abilities.

My offerings assist people, animals, businesses, and properties/houses shift to their next level–mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

My work serves the highest good of all concerned, and the highest good of Mother Earth and all of humanity.

From One Heart to Many,

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Lori Wahl



Intuitive Energy Healing

For adults, children, animals, businesses, and properties/houses.*

Receive divinely channeled purifying healing energies & messages

Release & shift patterns & programs for highest good

Removal of blocks & negative/dark interference that no longer serves

Obtain constructive tools for growth

Gain a deeper understanding of multidimensional existence, such as past lives

*Property/House healings are advantageous for all properties, especially when preparing to sell.

Psychic Consultation

Receive divinely channeled purifying healing energies & messages

Acquire clarity, insights & guidance

Obtain constructive tools for growth

Be inspired & empowered

Inspirational Life Mentoring

Receive divinely channeled purifying messages

Open to direct, loving guidance

Develop trust & faith in your abilities

Obtain constructive tools for growth

Gain a deeper understanding of multidimensional existence


May You Find Peace!

Love Letters

Lori is amazing. She helped me move forward when I was in one of the darkest periods of my life. Without her, I can honestly say that I have no idea where I would be. She has enabled doors to open that I never knew existed and has helped me find myself, so that I can function as a positive participant in life.

Joci O’Connor

Lori’s intuition and high energy levels helps her client with what is most appropriate for them at the time. She encourages her client to open to their highest potentials.

Joyce Hartman–Intuitive Reader/Medium, Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual Psychic, Certified Hypnotic-Coach Specializing in Past Life Regression

Lori Wahl’s sessions are very ethereal and on a high vibration. She revealed information that was helpful to me and confirmed and validated where I am in my journey. The session also increased my confidence that I am going in a progressive direction with my gifts and talents. I felt light and free afterwards. Lori is compassionate, playful, skilled, and fun to be with. I am truly grateful for her work and appreciate what she is offering to humanity.

Yolanda Del Hierro, Brain Integration Practitioner

Lori’s work is and has been a greatly welcomed and tremendous support on my and my son’s healing journeys. She is very gifted and insightful. Patients I have referred to Lori give me similar feedback as well.

James Ray, D.C., N.D.

Lori’s work is very relaxing and makes me feel good.

T. Ray–12

I have known Lori for many years, both as a personal friend and as a client. I have found her to be extraordinarily caring, intuitive, instructive and authentic. She is a gifted teacher. I highly recommend her for anyone seeking new tools for achieving balance and wellness in their lives.

David Roth—Brand Strategist, New Venture Creator

I have had the pleasure of knowing and accepting Lori’s guidance and insight for over 15 years. She is truly one of the most intriguing, authentic, compassionate, and uplifting people I have ever met. I am confident that Lori will bring you guidance and direction that will enhance your well being. I am forever grateful to her for inspiration and healing. I am happy that Lori is sharing her rare gift!!!

Patty Cunningham

Lori is amazing! She told me that within months I would have my choice of jobs to choose from. The very next day, my wife was speaking with someone across the country, who told her that if we moved there, I will have my choice of jobs to choose from. Amazing that the same words were used! Lori definitely has a gift that can be trusted.

Bill F., Arizona

Thank you for the healing and your insight. I am amazed at the changes in the boys that I see–the love, hugs, kisses, and smiles.

Michelle S.

Oh, gosh, how to sum up my work with Lori Wahl without writing a book…I met her on a plane several years ago: one of those divine meetings! I didn’t know what to expect when I began working with her–it has been such an incredible journey! Every time I have a session with her I feel lighter and more open to life and the possibility of love and joy! She has a true gift!

💜 Lori Brock

Lori is an extremely gifted energy healer that delivers results. I’ve recently referred my best friend to her as well, who told me he was amazed at her gifts. He noticed a difference immediately in his life, which also included more abundance. I highly recommend her!

Mark Keleske

Lori is an amazing person. She is very intuitive. She has a big heart♡. Lori has always been spot on with everything in my life. After speaking with her in person or even in texts, my soul feels lighter and happier. Thank you, Lori, for all the direction you have given me.♡

Christine Valentine

I would not be in the healing space I am in now if it had not been for you. I feel a new joy in my life and who I am. I feel loved and lovable and, above all, complete. I accept the person that I have been and am today. This was not the case a year ago. Your unconditional love for me and acceptance is probably the first I have ever consciously experienced. It has had the power of granting me a self-acceptance and joy for the life I have created and a knowing that there is nothing missing. This has shifted the entire view I have held of my life. I am now left with the question of not, what is missing, but, what am I here for. You have opened me up to seeing the world through different eyes, a new paradigm and context. I can’t thank you enough.

John Roth, PhD

Lori is very gifted and helped me tremendously to balance and heal me with her healing energy regime. I am forever grateful for her loving and spiritual efforts on my behalf.

Dolores O’Connor

Lori Wahl is a talented, illuminated, and inspiring healer with a unique gift for cutting through people’s blockages to help facilitate the next step in their life. As an acupuncturist, I have referred numerous patients to Lori. All of the referred patients have returned from working with her in awe of her ability to facilitate constructive positive shifts in their energy, and ultimately their lives. From my personal experiences in sessions with Lori, she has helped me to navigate through many different aspects of life with compassionate understanding and loving patience. I have met many gifted healers in my line of work, and Lori is one of the best at what she does. I highly recommend her services to anyone who resonates with her work.

Brian Mears, Mountain Spirit Acupuncture

The moment I met Lori in a leadership seminar, she radiated fun, energetic love. From that friendship to being one of her clients, I can confidently say she has been spot on with all her guidance in many aspects of my life. From selling my home, dealing with relationships of all kinds, and clearing my business space, which allowed better energy to fill it, as well as bring in the right people for it. I have been to other intuitives and healers and have not experienced the accuracy that she has always displayed. I feel very confident in confiding in Lori and allowing her to help guide me in certain aspects of my life. She truly cares about her ability to help and assist others and it shows in her compassion and gentle way of walking me through the guiding process. She gets her information quickly and is direct with sharing. I highly recommend connecting with Lori and allowing her to help you. Lori is top notch, all encompassing in her abilities, and truly is one of a kind.

Stacey Watje

As a somatic therapist, I am so appreciative of Lori’s work. Our bodies hold the wisdom and pain of our past, and Lori is able to provide clarity around my energetic blocks and guide me towards a path of deep, soul healing. Lori’s insightful suggestions in our work together have provided me peace of mind and more self-compassion. With her guidance I am able to bring more conscious awareness into my day, and stop self-defeating patterns that are preventing me from living my life fully.

Charlotte M.

I am super grateful for the time I spend with Lori. Her guidance has changed my life for the best. She made suggestions and as I apply them into my life, things keep getting better and better. She is a powerful healer and I enjoy every time we speak.

Shelley S.

Working with Lori has changed so much for me. I have been working with her during a hard transition in my life and her intuitive guidance and deep energy healing work is not only a pivotal part of my healing process, but gave me deeper insight into myself and my journey. Her energy work is so powerful, I would highly recommend working with her if you are stagnant in any way. Icing on the cake, she is just a pleasure to be around! I have referred so many friends to her already.

Caitie McBride

I’ve had the privilege of receiving healing and guidance from Lori on numerous occasions. She possesses a remarkable talent for providing insights that resonate deeply. Her diverse spiritual practices foster a supportive and enlightening atmosphere for personal growth. Thanks to her, I’ve gained inspiration, new perspectives and clarity in areas where I felt stuck. Her channeled messages have also been astounding! I cannot recommend Lori highly enough–she’s someone I trust and admire, and her energy is infectious!

Nicole SaBelle

My Time with Allen Ginsberg

Last night, while watching the movie Howl on Amazon Prime, memories of my time with Allen Ginsberg before his death in 1997 floated in and... Read More "My Time with Allen Ginsberg"

Because We Love Ourselves

Because we love ourselves, we want to get healthier. To do this, we want to make healthy choices.  We want to get off of our... Read More "Because We Love Ourselves"

Let Go. Intention. Receive. Peace.

I know.  That title is a mouthful! Let Go.  Of what?  Of anything that doesn't serve us any more! Intention.  Dream and create what it... Read More "Let Go. Intention. Receive. Peace."

Celebration of Life

Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of receiving an email from a friend. The email included a photo attachment of her newborn baby daughter.  Upon... Read More "Celebration of Life"

Finding Inner Peace

Life is full of activity and stress.  Most of us operate in certain modes as we tend to our daily obligations.  We've got our alarms... Read More "Finding Inner Peace"


How many of us have feared change?  What holds us back from fully participating in certain aspects of our lives?  And, what drives us forward... Read More "Change"

Ollie, Ollie, Oxen Free

When was the last time you played hide-and-seek?  I loved playing when I was a child and even as an adult with my children.  We'd... Read More "Ollie, Ollie, Oxen Free"

Valiant, So She Is

On Wednesday, Riley Warren, a friend of mine since childhood, died.  Riley fought a nearly 20-year bout with breast cancer.  I am deeply saddened by... Read More "Valiant, So She Is"