Finding Inner Peace
Finding Inner Peace

Finding Inner Peace

Inner Peace
Inner Peace

Life is full of activity and stress.  Most of us operate in certain modes as we tend to our daily obligations.  We’ve got our alarms set to wake us up and to remind us of appointments or things we need to pick-up–like our kids.  (I am smiling here.)  We’ve been trained and have taught ourselves how to make it in the world, and many of us are helping others make it, too.

If there’s a lot of doing and getting things done, where’s the balance of being or communing with ourselves?  Where’s our responsibility for our own peace?

Some of us may have practices that help us connect with our inner spiritual world and inner peace.  Going to a church or a temple each day or once a week may be our practice.  We may practice meditation, NIA, ecstatic dance, or yoga.  Some of us might create things from a meditative state, being in the flow of what needs to come through.  Silent walks, runs, hikes, and camping in nature may be our practice to attain our balance and experience inner peace.  Some of us find peace through the action of our daily chores, such as sweeping.

No matter what practice(s) we choose to incorporate in our schedules, it is important to honor ourselves and our process for making those deeper divine connections and find the resources within us that provide peace of mind, body, and spirit.

Since the Fall season is upon us, isn’t it a perfect time to go inward to explore and find inner peace?


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